Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Fiction - I

The fish bowl broke. Shattered on the ground. There was water all around.
The green turned to red and eventually there was nothing but black. Soon, the smile returned. Maybe because it's exactly what she always wanted.
That infinite space. The ability to do nothing but just stare. At what, you may wonder ? Most often, she didn't have an answer as well !
Slowly, the balcony became her home. It was the one place she was not answerable to anybody. It was also the one place where she could dream without boundaries. As she sat there holding her hot cup of strong coffee - she stopped "thinking." She just stared !

Day turned to night and there were no stars. But the moon was bright. It seemed happy and that annoyed her ! She wanted to destroy it all. There was nothing to be all shiny about ! Or was there.
The door bell rang - she ran. Left her comfort zone. Came face to face with the one person she didn't want to see at that moment. Her heart raced. Her shoulders dropped.
She gave in. That was it. There probably was no looking back anymore !

The glass disappeared. The stars came out. The balcony was converted into a store area. It was all alright. Eventually. Just alright !