Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to make the perfect Quarter ?

Take a pan and let it heat for a while
To this add a little olive oil
First carefully saute all your worries
Gently stir it and let them go golden brown
Add a few new experiences; Add a few new friends
Add a bright new job maybe and get rid of that frown
And as the seconds tick away
Dont despair, for each is a brand new day
The bright sunshine gives way to rain
And the clouds make way for the sun again
While your quarter's cooking, cook up a side dish
And while you are at it, why don't you think of a wish
For wishes you never know when they might come true
Hear the cooker whistling, why that's right on cue

Some words to add to the color
Some salt, pepper and rhyme for the flavor
Now take three months and bunch all these up
Finally add some memories, measured from a cup
Serve with a dash of warm laughter
If it gets too hot, please have some water

Happy Second Quarterversary!


The writer is a fellow clan-mate who enjoys dancing, writing, traveling, eating and would someday like to move to the land of the Golden Gate. You can read his poetic antics at

1 comment:

  1. nice one!

    no names of your clan members this time?

    Happy Quaterversary!
