Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's all Relative

I now realize, after many years, that the definition of a relative is that of a person that you meet, greet and exchange small talk with during an important family occasion. It is only a handful of relatives that you actually intend on keeping in touch with and are able to reconnect with in a jiffy even eons after having met last.

Relatives do sometimes tend to get on your nerves, especially when you have to be on your best behaviour and answer all potentially embarrassing / uncomfortable questions diplomatically.

‘No Sir, just because I play bass in the college rock band doesn’t mean women flock to me and cling on to the point where I need to peel them off.’

‘Yeah, I DO realize my cousin is getting married as we speak and that she’s a year younger than I. This doesn’t automatically mean that I need to be next in line, maybe because I am happy at 26 and I’d like to do as little as possible to change it.’

‘Yes, an MBA is called a Post-Graduate Diploma in Management, its not like I’d be wanker enough to do a diploma AFTER I completed my engineering, you know.’

The worst ever statements are about setting one up for a future marriage, ‘laying the groundwork’, so to speak when one truthfully owns up to being single. Sometimes, it might be ok to lie to have a little less bio-gas sent your way regarding how I should go about shaping my life.

‘If I do wish to be setup, I’ll ask for it when I am good and ready, until which time, maybe you’d prefer it if I did my searching on my own?’

Love them or hate them, you’ve got some DNA in common. Some of my relatives, though, are among the most insane and awesome people I know. So I guess things balance each other out, at the end of the day, and all is at peace with the world.


The writer is a fellow clan-mate and B-school graduate currently up North. Enjoys traveling - alone, music, happy hours and a wonderful conversationalist. His writes frequently on the Notes section of his FB page.

How to make the perfect Quarter ?

Take a pan and let it heat for a while
To this add a little olive oil
First carefully saute all your worries
Gently stir it and let them go golden brown
Add a few new experiences; Add a few new friends
Add a bright new job maybe and get rid of that frown
And as the seconds tick away
Dont despair, for each is a brand new day
The bright sunshine gives way to rain
And the clouds make way for the sun again
While your quarter's cooking, cook up a side dish
And while you are at it, why don't you think of a wish
For wishes you never know when they might come true
Hear the cooker whistling, why that's right on cue

Some words to add to the color
Some salt, pepper and rhyme for the flavor
Now take three months and bunch all these up
Finally add some memories, measured from a cup
Serve with a dash of warm laughter
If it gets too hot, please have some water

Happy Second Quarterversary!


The writer is a fellow clan-mate who enjoys dancing, writing, traveling, eating and would someday like to move to the land of the Golden Gate. You can read his poetic antics at

The anti-mush Brigade

When asked to write a guest piece for Kiki’s blog, it took me very little time to figure out what I needed to write about. Kiki’s writing always reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw with her take on love and friends. So I decided to take the plunge and write about it from my own perspective- love in a cynic’s life.

There are many things I have learnt about love and relationships in the last few months, most of which were completely unexpected. People always tell you that finding the one person for you is all hogwash and a little while back, I would also have been the one who was most vehement about the fact that there was no such thing as a perfect guy. But now I will admit, there are guys who come pretty darn close to what you want. And I found him. He was mature, he could talk for hours about Arundhati Roy, he was incredibly intelligent and knew all the obscure English words which made my geeky self go weak in the knees.

My biggest lesson or revelation from this relationship so far has been how capable I am of romance. I have been aware of my cynicism with the world around me for quite a few years now and was fairly certain I had no space or time for romance or love in the traditional sense. I have now been educated in the art of romance and been part of way too many ‘Aww’ moments than I would like to admit on a public forum.

I believe that the girls of our generation are faced with a very unique problem indeed. We have been taught to have a certain disdain for romance in our lives. The girls of today are wary of clichés and more than once have told our friends ‘Oh my god, will you look at that? He is crowding her space with all these flowers and gifts’. Yet, I believe that all of us secretly yearn for a little bit of romance in our lives.

I have heard that romance is a kind of excitement that in people in love experience. In our lives filled with the quest for practicality have we lost track of romance? Are we all closet romantics who hide behind the veneer of realists?

For every girl who says ‘Are you serious? How clichéd is that? How could she possibly be with someone as mushy and wimpy? Is there one deep within her who says Aww. He cares enough to do something like that for her; I wish someone would do that for me’

Here’s to all the romance-averse, closet romantics of my generation, let’s choose to give romance a little space in our lives.


The writer is a soon to-be B-school graduate who loves Rasam, LOTR, The Beatles, FB gossip and her latest inked art. You can catch her at

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I have

In the last one year or so I've learned a lot. So much, that sometimes (like always) I wonder why I didn't learn it all before !
I've learned to deal and cry for myself while smiling and laughing at my own stupidity - in believing in immortality.
I've learned to let go of people who claim to be yours but just aren't.
I've sorted my own issues with Karma and now we're in a "positively" complicated relationship.
I've understood the importance of cooking and writing as cathartic processes that help me remain sane.
I've let cravings come and go and not cribbed about them.
I've understood the importance of people in my life whom I never thought would ever be important enough.
I've learned to ignore and show the hand because the face ain't listening.
I've learned to be selfish and enjoy that as well.
I've become much much much less hyper while meeting new people and stopped scaring them away.
I've learned to forgive but I'm working on forgetting.
I've realized the importance of healthy food and good music in my life.

In the last one year I've grown up so much that sometimes I cry at how proud I am - of - Me !